Friday, August 29, 2014

Both of these prepositions zlazhylisya + a (o); when the pronoun

Ya Lesik. Some important points of the Russian language (VI - VIII) | Linguistics
We have already noted that, in addition definition a la carte to prepositions (additions are) not considered a form of mortality, at which there is a preposition, and the value of the preposition. Here vyyasnyayutstsa shades in the sense that gives a particular mortality pretext or another.
The implication here, as above, you can stay at a value of only some prepositions of a practical nature, to find out their true meaning and correct use in razgavornay and correct language.
First Prepositions definition a la carte about as well. The preposition "of" is connected to the prepositional and accusative. This connection comes with giving a pretext case. The difference in the meaning of "on" and "and" no, only the preposition definition a la carte "on" definition a la carte is more often used.
1) prepositional preposition "on" is connected in the sense of "what the terms" or "about what", but in spatial terms are no longer used, in addition to the notation of time. In a figurative sense, locative, and sometimes giving, refers to the testimony on the subject. For example:
a) to refer to the subject of speech, conversation; Of course, the game only about women (and beans) and thinks. definition a la carte Cowardly and the thought of raw scares. And that did not know about this theft. Told him a story about a very smart guy. With joy forgot about Insignias. Come and learn about this very reason. definition a la carte Tell me there about me, about us. What is there to even think? That gave him the money and that dispersed. No, little man, and not about asking you. A host of nothing knew there was. Tale of the priest, of the Pope, a knight, a myartsu. Nha jealous of us - we are not hungry. A vacuum speak! Bright moon high - father-mother away, and bratseyka the war - not thinking about me. Will be yours or not - do not be offended, the heart of me. And he slept and all the while the white world nioga not know. I wanted him about his need. Talk and adventure.
Form authorizing definition a la carte a getaypazitsyi abyasnyaetstsa that nouns ymennyya women. kind of singular always the same with prepositional; likeness with them very often men. genus is placed in the dative case, although the adjective-definition stands in the prepositional case (tale of an intelligent guy, a stupid definition a la carte dad).
b) for time: About Peter on the Dnieper Danube froze. Stepmother woke up on the north. And lived there for people in love, in harmony; All things said, worked and rested for the night. Tomorrow, about this couple. It was an autumn. On the night the commandment of warm rain. Wait for me, my mother, about the green holiday. Everyone and syum world knew all remembered.
The street children play, about me, young exclaim. Perhaps three summers ago is sick, who judges and talks about other people's children! A penny that sport! And its worth Kozhan. Came to us and asked again about the road. Come zakladёmsya about three clicks. Zbayav stories about moose - that's all a fable. She told him about his business. Under a secret told his wife about the Sacco. Gathered men and women talk about. Grey geese flew on berries said. Bread I have is about the salt does not care. Nha agree on a price. Asks about his death.
c) We have seen above that the pronoun "I" excuse "of" costs in the form of "aba" (me) to avoid discordant confluence (compounds) of three consonants (for me). When the pronoun "that" is often referred complex preposition "abvo", eg.:
Both of these prepositions zlazhylisya + a (o); when the pronoun "I" find "aba", since here the pressure falls on the pronoun, and the second part of an excuse (for) goes to "a". When the pronoun "that" happens on the contrary: here the preposition "of" have to press and it connects with the "o" in secret breathy "in", as the pressure "on the" standing at the beginning of the composition, always takes prydyhanne "in". In this way vytvaryvsya definition a la carte preposition "abvo" having already whole value. Standing always with the pronoun definition a la carte "that" without specific content, the preposition "abvo" expresses all the contents tale: Abvo what you have here is a dispute? For a long time he thought until guessed that they abvo conversation went.
g) accusative with "o", "(o)" for the expression of time: On the night back home. And three days back. People are dying of hunger, used to fall flies. In spatial terms the preposition "on" is connected with the accusative to denote sumezhnastsi, border measures, eg.: Do owl on a tree stump, stump or an owl - the owl all hurt. Under the pressure of the preposition "of" is in the form of "lips", eg.: Hair and lips ground!
The second as a pretext for the sake of. These are two different in origin prepositions are often found in the form of "a", "if" and even in some (not literary) conversations definition a la carte as "evil", where "d" with fonetychnyh reasons padmyanilasya sound "c", and the sound of "e" at the end could vytvarytstsa with unaccented "I", definition a la carte or similar to the "on-dle." Both of them are connected definition a la carte only with the native possessive case - "for" for the purpose of the action expression on someone's benefit or harm, and "for" expresses more causality to the value n. -slavyanskoy "sake"; in rare cases, the value of these excuses is the same.
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