Monday, October 28, 2013

In all more or less formal meals is customary to change cutlery ufsc a la carte after each dish. At

Table manners - the touchstone of education | Michael Emilia's blog
Since ancient times, to teach on the table after a certain ritual. Although it was different from country to country it imposed those rules which are today important criteria in assessing a person's well-bred.
Undoubtedly, we offer table or one where we are invited ufsc a la carte to become a major opportunity for meetings and interesting discussions. From the Romans fastuoasele meals or Renaissance - if you were to refer only to those eras we feverish imagination today - today transpires habit of honoring guests ufsc a la carte with an elegant table arranged ufsc a la carte impeccably. Looking back, we can say that was dropped, in general, the opulent ufsc a la carte and ostentatious luxury. Today no longer drink from golden goblets which bears the signature of Benvenuto Cellini, for example. Instead, eat the best quality porcelain plates and drinking from crystal glasses became commonplace. Naturally, diners won the refinement behavior by observing the rules imposed by the elegant manners.
There is a tendency today to adopt modern lifestyle in contrast ufsc a la carte to the classic. We moved in pursuit of a place to another and often our table is frugal. Preparing meals and washing dishes would kidnap us precious time. We strive for simplicity and convenience, quit everything that unnecessarily loaded our existence. It seems like a contradiction. But whether you opt for a service of Sevres porcelain table or one glass unbreakable rules compliance ufsc a la carte is mandatory, starting with preparing the house, setting the table and ending with the way we eat fruit.
HOW set the table family table, the everyday and it must be appealing and neat, like the Gala. An old adage says that "intelligent man feeds his eyes." Preferably an earthenware dish, intact, chipped porcelain one, even if it once was very beautiful. It is preferable to the table in crisp, one of expensive fabric, but covered with stains. ufsc a la carte It goes without saying, that we will deal holidays especially for setting the table. For dinners, the tablecloth and napkins will also be festive, an immaculate whiteness, and for intimate meetings can use colored tablecloths. A tablecloth should be large enough to hide, if possible, broad feet. In no way do we use plastic tablecloths, even the most sophisticated fabric perfectly imitate. It's good to sit under a tablecloth Molton thin veneer that protects the table. You need to provide some space for each guest, even for the well educated who know to keep your elbows at your side. As guests feel comfortable, this space must be at least 50 cm.
Both family as well as the festive table are arranged the same, but different number plates, the cutlery and glasses according to the kinds of food. Each dish will be matched by another that sits underneath the service, and you use only to put on her plate to eat from. At meals each day we miss the second plate.
A festive meal is as usually as follows: the first plate is placed just above the service plate. On it lay neatly folded ufsc a la carte napkin. Rolls or slices of bread put in two or three special baskets symmetrically. Place forks is left plate. Aligned from right to left in order to use them, they are placed with the teeth up. On the right, place knives with the sharp to the plate, all in order of use - the farthest is the first dish, ie for over and stand in front plate soup spoon bending in su s and sometimes dessert spoon ( if it's on the table). We will never put together more than three knives and three forks. Rest cutlery - spoons cake forks small baklava or fruit on the table but do not count on a table or on a buffet service, to be at hand.
In all more or less formal meals is customary to change cutlery ufsc a la carte after each dish. At a mass less demanding we change only if we have over Cutlery. ufsc a la carte In general we use four plates: plate for appetizers, soup plate, dessert plate sifarfuria stretched. Bowls (bowls) for clear soup (SOM) are not put on the table at the beginning but once bring tureen. Cutlery can put on them for support will be placed to the right dishes. The support we sit, right, knife, with the sharp to farfor

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