Sunday, December 8, 2013

In Dutch and its dialects are compositions for which consist of a combination of more or less equal

Metathesis word *) over orange / orange etc | Jan Stroop
If the waiter wants a pancake with apple sauce, but accidentally says skillet and apple puree, get something else on his plate than he means. ta3lim salat This is due to the simple fact that Dutch assemblies the right hand side the "head" is the left part of the provision. It is known that the sense relationship between the two parts of a composition can be quite different but the hierarchy is unchangeable: the left side issue, substantially to the right. The accentuation of a compound indicates that relationship in a way, paradoxically shape: the emphasis is always on the left. ANS (100) says, having first determined that a compound noun the defining member is paramount: The defining member of the composition usually gets the word accent. The data therein composites illustrate that: milk chocolate, chocolate, soft drinks, reading room.
In this article I would like to draw attention to a group of compounds which can be described regularity. Deemed not to exist no more Compositions which members exchanged (can be), without which - unlike pancake - a result significant change, type eyebolt: ta3lim salat screw eye, the latter, Groningen, shape, according to De Vries called "reversal" will be the first ( W. de Vries nd: 17). They seem to have most of the so-called copulatieve compositions wherein an identity relationship between the two members: expert witness, Virgin Mother, Prince Consort (ANS 104), but differ from the latter group, who can not exchange members permits.
The composites what matters to me, appear in Dutch in a broad sense. ta3lim salat That is, the two forms, the original and the two parts are exchanged, rarely both occur in the same variety of Dutch, say the Default, ta3lim salat but within the Dutch-speaking region.
Much has been written about, and recently - to my knowledge - not at all. In publications ta3lim salat on the (Default) Dutch they are missing entirely, probably ta3lim salat because ta3lim salat they are going out of that only Default is orange, and orange dialect or something. ta3lim salat Who is looking for more samples also browse a lot of work to do, unless his memory or friends interested colleagues to lend a helping hand.
To get to bring some systematics in my collection I make the following provisional classification, some of which also relies on cutting knots I. Unmotivated metathesis II.Gemotiveerde a metathesis because of the shape b. because of the significance c. because of form and meaning
In Dutch and its dialects are compositions for which consist of a combination of more or less equal parts, in each case, combinations in which do not need to be, such that, for example with soda or the case is not the one part as a determination felt at the other is, screw eye / eye bolt is a good example of this type, because this involves a screw with an eye or an eye that can be screwed?
That equality is not always as easy to define, but seems still present in: pigs hedgehog - hedgehog hog hedgehog (Language Atlas I, 10) (combination of two animal names). The first name is the least, almost exclusively in North Limburg. At the same language map yet another pair: zwieniegel - iegelzwien, but now the first form just the most frequent, ta3lim salat it covers almost the entire province of Groningen. Still, the question is whether he means the oldest of the two. Heeroma (1954, 35) explains the priority right to iegelzwien and considers zwieniegel as secondary "because it is surrounded by iegelbaerch, iegelzwien and iegelkoar." It is also likely that the word hedgehog is a relatively new word in Groningen and it was preceded by spine that was always in first place in compositions. Hedgehog has that place ousted. And thus need pigs hedgehog and zwieniegel the result of word metathesis. The equivalence has also to do with the identical categorialiteit of two parts, as shown; it is getting ta3lim salat two nouns.
Another example is berebarg - barge bear 'carved ta3lim salat male pig' (Language Atlas II, 14). The simplex bear is "male pig" barg cut male pig. The combination means as much as a bear that is now barg, or barg who used to bear.
More problems, the statement of the Groningen motstain from stainmot "sow bug" (Language Atlas, I, 3). The cause of this transformation is in fact not designate: in fact, there is no semantic equivalence ': moth in Groningen ta3lim salat and elsewhere general naa

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