Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Introduction Bulletin News

In Syria death toll from clashes between opposition fighters and Daash five hundred people. In Iraq's Anbar intense air strikes crippled the capacity of Daash in Anbar. In Paris, Brahimi meets Lavrov and Kerry next Monday to prepare buffee for the Geneva Conference 2.
It is also the French capital, an Arab ministerial buffee delegation to a meeting called by U.S. Secretary of State to discuss the settlement of the Palestinian - Israeli. He called Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's consent to the agreement with the Palestinians, brokered by an American.
Introduction News Bulletin of the "OTV" and completed the throes of the government expected Popular ninth, but it did not see the light, prompting to put them in the incubator synthetic awaiting compatibility of regional and then the internal them, even if their shape beginning, then be discussed spammers and trends especially as it and she saw the light will not be for more than two months. Accordingly, although the positive is prevailing at the governmental level, the foundation buffee remains cautious, noting that the President of the Republic announced the positive signals received from the head of the Future Movement of Saad Hariri's government buffee to proceed with the University on the basis of a formula 8-8-8, buffee is that Solomon was attached to his support for the Government of the University certainly buffee he given the opportunity of the day, and up to ten days, otherwise there will be a government, despite that some of these words in the Listed box support. All coming hours capable of crystallizing the government's image ahead in light of the political movement and result in a meeting Siniora Suleiman in Baabda tomorrow and is rumored to have preceded a possible meeting between Siniora and Berri, recorded at the time of the day visit by a delegation from Hezbollah to Bkirki. With the entry into force of the time feared that the attention turns to the presidential election that requires entry of these government efforts in clinical death, especially given that the stone grows with the approach of the start of the International Tribunal and the Geneva (2) the extent to which the piece of what is happening in the region, particularly in Syria, buffee which live more of fighting between brothers and enemies who, whatever their goal Tzmyatem one, what constitutes their struggle overlap buffee and influence regional conflict over the spoils, including buffee oil revenues, which amounts to 80 million dollars a day. If signed by the cautious mood swing in the stock of government Moisadtha appeared Exchange names disowned by all political forces.
Introduction Bulletin News "MTV" blurry image of government, buffee and strongly oscillating between optimism and pessimism. There are those who consider that the contract, which prevented the formation of the government buffee in nine months and three days untangle a knot, and that formula three octets formed buffee the right solution for the distribution of quotas. As for the controversial political topics, there are those who point out that the attempt to apply the agreement on key points that will be contained in the ministerial statement on the demons to leave the details until after the completion of the process of forming and beyond the written ministerial committee in charge of drafting the ministerial statement. This means, in political reading, even if it was agreed buffee that the government buffee of the University, they will remain incapable of meeting on the ministerial statement and a single and clear.
On the other hand it seems clear that the consultations that take place through the medium buffee between Hezbollah and the Future Movement had not welcomed by allies of the parties, especially the Christian allies. Lebanese forces do not hide discontent with what is happening, certain categorical refusal to participate in the government of the University, buffee because it is unable to generate will not be able to address the problems at hand. And emphasizes the circles Qguatah it had notified its position to its allies, buffee and that it is not interested in the negotiations that take place. On the other hand show circles Change and Reform bloc dissatisfaction with what is happening and so out of the bloc stuck to certain quotas and rejected by the principle of rotation between the ministries. Will result in rejection buffee of the Christian double to enhance the likelihood of the failure of the government formation originally buffee swing between success and failure? Are we therefore to the position by President Suleiman, and that if it is not consensus on the inclusive government within ten days there will be a government? buffee
Introduction News Bulletin "future" waiting for the government to come out white smoke, the atmosphere is available until the time is equal between the possibility of the birth of a new government, buffee and not the possibility, while keeping the constitutional options for the President and the President-designate open. So far, informed sources and gathered up to form a government contacts and meetings that are going on in full swing, some of which is declared and undeclared ones, but it is certain buffee that the forces of the fourteenth of March until the time had not received answers to her questions five.
Under this atmosphere reject military magistrate Riad Abu Ghida Medical Excuse made by the festival and was a reason for his not appearing for questioning yesterday in the case of the bombing of mosques in Tripoli and accused of hiding buffee the bombings and smuggling to Syria. It is learned that Abu Ghida will be made during the next few hours the appropriate decision on holiday, and the reservation to detect the type and content of this resolution. In parallel buffee the Netherlands is preparing to host hundreds of Lebanese from mid-week as part of the start of the trials in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and his companions.
If ratified, buffee the intentions of the release of the political government of the university will not exceed a few days. If ratified signals and indicators, the efforts of the natural end to that government. Acoustic wave frequencies on the fourteenth of March and arrived at the Baabda positive, even with the delivery delay formal answer to the forces buffee of the fourteenth of March on the wording buffee of the three Osmanat government and university partnership.
The President of the Republic has given a deadline of ten days to mature the consultations which lasted a normal pace today without registration breakthroughs serious, according to the follow-up of the sources said that "BP said." And waiting for the visit of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora of the Future Bloc tomorrow to Baabda Palace, it is clear that the team fourteenth of March is currently focusing on the unification of his attitude toward the government file and fueling climate buffee allows declare step and fit the current circumstances, taking into account the rules of the People. He drew attention what some Lebanese newspapers published from Saudi sudden shift

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