Thursday, December 12, 2013

I think it is urgent to take a moment to educate in terms of pursuing a healthy financial managemen

Epic tunnel vision when Theodor Kockelkoren of financial watchdog AFM. "Goedverdoemme, people are stupid," he said today in the Telegraph. "No, but really. Kneiterdom. Is it any wonder that banks, insurers and financial institutions wring all those sheep that possible? Hey Jesus, as the Dutch consumers would be even dumber we had officially notified him by the scientific bodies missing link between ape and man. Or well, monkey and banker so. Die woekerpolissen, and wurghypotheken? Of course not because yuraku lunch buffet bankers occasionally unscrupulous bastards, but mainly because the Dutchman too stupid to defecate. Comes They can be better than trying to explain how their mortgage works. the control of an Apache helicopter in half an hour There are lobotomiepatinten yuraku lunch buffet with better financial insight. " So Theodor has a solution: let the banks educate people financially. yuraku lunch buffet Right, Theo. As if you needed to right-wing extremists if they want to teach how to escape. Racist Muslims If you let it be the vanguard of Ajax on how to capping. Best defense Ajax Feyenoord drilled Like you Harry Piekema lets give information at school about the world of the supermarket. Do you see a bit of the problem, yuraku lunch buffet Theo? Banks make money from so-called backwardness of their customers. Their profit is the fault of the customer. So you can not at the same time the commercial setting also give further justification of the development of the financial decision-making ability of their customers. Funny guy you are. The solution is much more obvious. Enter from Group 3 box 'money' yuraku lunch buffet in schools. Until the final exam VMBO / HAVO / VWO. Education is in red, loans, mortgages, investments, everything. Better for youth, better for society. First let banks that unscrupulous parasites once again rearing their own ranks. Johnny Quid | 24-07-13 | 11:08 | link | 95 comments Reaguursels
Everyone needs to be re-educated. Apparently normally do in Netherlands reason yuraku lunch buffet to pay too much, to be with micro supervision and rules overcharging. Anyone who is a regular financial running a household not only pays its own problems, but also pays the hassle yuraku lunch buffet of financial freeriders, this may be bankers or people who deliberately abuse the system, such as fraud or excessive borrowing. In other words, if you normally do, you pay 3x. You pay for yourself, you pay for another one and you pay for the system. Tomorrow I will give 101 pay tax. Seems here, is just something else. Cheese The Dirty | 24-07-13 | 11:11
Experienced scammers always blame the victim under the motto: Did the victim have to pay attention better. State even in the manual yuraku lunch buffet "Swindle for Dummies". rara | 24-07-13 | 11:14
Let us educate citizens yuraku lunch buffet together, to go where it may. At sea no longer with banks Financier together, working with cash, and tap your business activities to the vision of the banks. Pearl of the South | 24-07-13 | 11:14
If you adjust "Cash Only" you things that you've kutbanken yuraku lunch buffet hardly necessary. yuraku lunch buffet Just a month just enough on your account deposit for direct debits. Fuck the banks. ALL. Botte Hork | 24-07-13 | 11:14
If the current generation of parents would do anything to nurture the bankers do nothing. All, there is no waiting, yuraku lunch buffet herself included. yuraku lunch buffet Unless they can make money on. PA van der Werff | 24-07-13 | 11:15
Banks provide an umbrella when the sun shines and take it off when it rains. yuraku lunch buffet Loosely people! But then no flat or holiday, then only one extra job, make sure your debt is not dependent on the grabbers. ZDEV | 24-07-13 | 11:15
If you let those people make it back to help. Atop a belspel negert with tears in his eyes begged welfare mothers to give their last dollars on him a program Oh wait ... Cuyahoga | 24-07-13 | 11:17
If an energy company, yuraku lunch buffet which earns his money with as much energy sales, is to educate in order to save. Much energy as possible through commercials people Oh wait ... Cuyahoga | 24-07-13 | 11:19
I think it is urgent to take a moment to educate in terms of pursuing a healthy financial management. Another target And if we had a quick constitution, yuraku lunch buffet maintaining the rule of law, and the lessons yuraku lunch buffet that history teaches us about gamele currency unions and emerging authoritarianism and religions, it could perhaps something to this country. Bring in that education also Though I imagine it questioned the presence of sufficient intellect to absorb. Much dust Our MinPres yuraku lunch buffet the deadline had indeed needed to complete ..... off a "fun yuraku lunch buffet study" almost twice Pearl of the South | 24-07-13 | 11:22
That same arrogance see

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